Happy New Year!
If you have not already done so, please get ready to make your annual distribution of the CEPA and Gender Equity notices
Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA)
If you have 10 or more employees and at least one of them works in the Garden State, you must not only post the CEPA Notice, but also distribute it annually to all NJ employees. You can get the form here. Please make sure to fill out the Contact Information section! If your employees typically have access to email in the course of their job duties, you can send it electronically; otherwise, hard copy distribution is required.
Gender Equity
If you have 50 or more employees and at least one of them works in the Garden State, you must not only post the Gender Equity Notice, but also distribute it annually to all NJ employees. You can get the form here.
You can distribute it by hard copy, email or internet posting and you must also include an acknowledgment of receipt, which the employee, which must sign and return within 30 days.
Also, please be sue that you have put up the 2017 NJ minimum wage poster. As of January 1, 2017, New Jersey’s minimum wage went from $8.38 per hour to $8.44 per hour. The new poster is found here.