One of the flurry of employment laws signed by Governor Phil Murphy this month is the little-noticed P.L.2019, c.399, which amends the New Jersey Wage Payment Law to require employers to provide additional information on employees’ wage statements.
Under the revised law, which goes into effect on May 20, 2020, employers with 10 or more employees must also include not only deductions, but this additional information on pay stubs:
- gross wages;
- net wages;
- rate of pay; and
- the number of hours worked during the pay period (if relevant to the wage calculation).
In addition, the new statute expressly authorizes the common practice of providing wage statements electronically, so long as employees can get their pay stubs in hard copy on request.
Most NJ employers probably already provide the newly-required information, but it’s a good idea to check the wage statements you use, and make any needed changes before May 20, 2020.