Preventive Law for Employers

Kiernan’s Corner

Wal-Mart shuts its only unionized North American store

From the CCH WorkWeek newsletter: Wal-Mart announced last week that it would close its Tire and Lube Express store in Gatineau, Quebec, months after the store’s six employees formed a union and secured a court-imposed bargaining agreement under Canadian labor law. Wal-Mart said the closure was a result of the […]

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Candidates on Labor Issues–Part I

Now that the nominating conventions are over and the general election campaign is in full swing, let’s look at the candidates’ positions on labor issues. Today, we’ll look at Barack Obama, and tomorrow we’ll examine John McCain. Here’s what Senator Obama had to say about Labor Day: Here’s Sen. Obama’s […]

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The candidates on labor issues–Part II

From the prior Worklaw Blog location: I looked all over for a video of Sen. McCain or Gov. Palin addressing labor issues, but I could not find any. Here’s what the McCain website has to say about workplace issues: (from John McCain will overhaul unemployment insurance and make it […]

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Welcome to Worklaw Blog!

I am migrating my blog over to Prior posts that are still relevant will be moved over in the next few days. Stay tuned for more Worklaw Blog soon!

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Who is Ann Kiernan?

Ann Kiernan is an employment lawyer who has been practicing law in New Jersey for more than 30 years. She represents only employers and management and regularly provides management training companies big and small. Employment law is constantly changing, and Ann is familiar how these changes affect employers. To keep up-to-date and learn what issues are currently affecting businesses and employers in New Jersey, read the blog.

Contacting Ann Kieran

The Law Office of Ann F. Kiernan is located at

210 New York Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ

Ann may be reached via telephone at 732-846-3201 and email.

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