Preventive Law for Employers

NJ Employment Law

New Jersey Law Against Discrimination Clarified to Include Autisim as Disability

In one of his last acts as Governor, last month Gov. Jon Corzine signed an amendment to our  Law Against Discrimination to expressly include autism spectrum disorders in its definition of disability. This amendment was based on an October 8, 2009 report from the Adults with Autism Task Force. The full […]

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NJ Medical Marijuana Law Creates Employment Questions

Heads up, NJ employers! Last week,  the New Jersey Legislature passed a bill that legalizes marijuana use by patients with certain chronic illnesses.  The bill, which Governor Corzine is expected to sign before leaving office on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, would allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to patients who have been diagnosed with […]

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How to Survive the Perfect Storm Part II

“Historic trends and events are converging into a perfect storm that could place antidiscrimination  at the center of corporate policy with an intensity unseen since passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964”, ‐ Dr. James Fadigan, one of the authors of the Title VII antidiscrimination provisions of the 1964 […]

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How to Survive the Perfect Storm

“Historic trends and events are converging into a perfect storm that could place anti-discrimination at the center of corporate policy with an intensity unseen since passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964”, according to Dr. James Fadigan, one of the authors of the Title VII anti-discrimination provisions of the […]

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New COBRA law and NJ health insurance

The federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provides for COBRA premium subsidies for the newly-unemployed, but dies not stop with COBRA. ARRA extends the same rights to emplpyees in states with COBRA-like plans for smaller employers. New Jersey is one of those states. So NJ employers must […]

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Who is Ann Kiernan?

Ann Kiernan is an employment lawyer who has been practicing law in New Jersey for more than 30 years. She represents only employers and management and regularly provides management training companies big and small. Employment law is constantly changing, and Ann is familiar how these changes affect employers. To keep up-to-date and learn what issues are currently affecting businesses and employers in New Jersey, read the blog.

Contacting Ann Kieran

The Law Office of Ann F. Kiernan is located at

210 New York Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ

Ann may be reached via telephone at 732-846-3201 and email.

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