In the waning days of his term, Governor Christie has signed a piece of bipartisan legislation which closes some loopholes in NJ’s Opportunity to Compete Law, our version of Ban the Box legislation. This 2014 statute prohibits most companies with 15 or more employees from advertising that people with criminal records should not apply, and bars covered employers from inquiring about an applicant’s criminal history until the first job interview is completed.
The new law, which went into effect on December 20, 2017, extends the law’s coverage to expunged criminal records and expressly prohibits an employer from using an online application that requires the disclosure of the applicant’s criminal record.
So, if you haven’t done so lately, check your application forms to make sure that they are in compliance with NJ law. And make sure that your managers use legal and effective interviewing techniques. Looking for hiring training for managers? Check out Hiring the Best from Fair Measures, Inc.