Preventive Law for Employers

NJ Employment Law

NJ court to employers: Train your employees! We mean it!

In a recent case,  Allen v. Adecco, Inc.,  (App. Div. 2011), the New Jersey Appellate Division reemphasized the standards for an effective anti-harassment policies.  A crucial element is manager and employee training. Jessica  Allen was a temporary employee at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (“UMDNJ”). She alleged […]

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New law requires all NJ public employees to live in NJ

As of September 1, 2011, all new  New Jersey public employees must live in the Garden State. The New Jersey First Act, P.L. 2011, c.70,  requires all newly hired public employees to be  New Jersey residents or to move to the state within one year of taking a position.  Current […]

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New NJ Law Bars Discrimination Against the Unemployed

Effective June 1, 2011, New Jersey will have a law that bars employers from advertising that the unemployed  need not apply. The new statute, N.J.S.A. 34:8B-1, prohibits an employer from publishing in print or on the Internet a job listing providing that the job qualifications include current employment; that jobless applicants will not be […]

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It’s Round-Up-Time! New NJ Wage Law Mirrors Federal Provision

For years, NJ and federal law have differed about when and how and employer can “round” start and stop times.  Under the FLSA, employers who use a time clock could  round start and stop times to the nearest five minutes, tenth of an hour, or nearest quarter of an hour.  This takes […]

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It’s CEPA notice time!

Reminder: All NJ employers with at least 10 workers must annually distribute, either in hard copy or electronically, the required notice under the NJ Conscientious Employee Protection Act.  The notice–English and Spanish– is here.    Make sure to fill in the appropriate contact person information before distributing the notice to your employees. […]

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Who is Ann Kiernan?

Ann Kiernan is an employment lawyer who has been practicing law in New Jersey for more than 30 years. She represents only employers and management and regularly provides management training companies big and small. Employment law is constantly changing, and Ann is familiar how these changes affect employers. To keep up-to-date and learn what issues are currently affecting businesses and employers in New Jersey, read the blog.

Contacting Ann Kieran

The Law Office of Ann F. Kiernan is located at

210 New York Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ

Ann may be reached via telephone at 732-846-3201 and email.

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